Monday, 6 October 2008

Nearly There

I've started to cover up nasty gaps and put on final coats of varnish. The 230v lights are up and running.
The toilet now has a light and a window cut out which you can just about see in the pic.
The power hook up. Runs the 230v and a transformer so 12v can be used too.

New toilet door lock. Judging by the holes around it I'm guessing it's about the 10th to be fitted!

I've got to sort a proper DAB and FM aerial, a better fixing system to the heater tank, fix the curtain tracks, fix the extractor hood, sort out the rear fog light and do a bit more varnishing.
Then Vez the mechanic or another garage has to fit a new silencer, tail pipe, brake shoes and cylinders, brake hoses, downpipe gasket and bleed the brakes.

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