Then we traveled on towards the Lake district (we did have a look at Dumfries, but apart from providing us with gloves was a bit crappy. Gloves needed as it started to snow in the morning and the view across to Northern Ireland showed thay had snow, glad the eberspacher heater works so well!)
We stopped off at Hadrians Wall to learn a bit of history that poor secondary school education didn't teach us, Humanities!!!! What a waste of time, where was History!!!!
On arrival in Keswick we found out that the site with 250 spaces had been flooded leaving the only remaining site full. The only option was a site 25 mins walk out of town and the website stated some rules that were rediculous. No friends in seperate vehicles allowed at the same time as there is a potential for making noise, what a bunch of tits. We didn't like the sound of that so checked out the town carpark. As we were reading the carpark noticeboard a head popped out of a camper and shouted don't pay! The man, named Pat the posh gypsy, pointed out we could park all night till 8:30am for free and ther was nothing stating campers weren't allowed. He was on his way to France in a £50k camper having sold his house with the aim of spending his 70th birthday in Toulouse with a view to renting a house eventually.
The hills here had snow on them too.
As you can see we had quite a nice pitch.
Next stop Buxton.
A weird site housed in an old quarry. This shot was taken on the lane leading into the quarry.
The next day was spent visiting the various museums based around the iron bridge.
Then the shortish trip home.
It was a nice way to break up an otherwise horrible drive down from Glasgow and also gave us some ideas where to head next summer.
The van didn't have any problems excpect no left tail light, rear fog light and rear number plate light. This was a problem the circuit they were on and happened 2 days before leaving. It blows the fuse straight away so I'll have to track doen the short next weekend.
Oh yeah, there has also been quite a knocking from the engine/ gearbox since about 2 miles out of Bath on the way up! It seems to quieten when the engine is hot so I figure the tappit gaps need adjusting and just one it overely large. 1200 miles later the van is still going so can't be too big an issue but still something to sort next weekend.
Now we just need to figure out where to go next!